Regarding contract Escrow

Hello James , Thanks for sharing knowledge , i am trying to run your contract in Remix ide and struggling get it working , i am new bie learning solidity.

While invoking deploy function with addresses as parameter i am getting error , i have tried to add the local remix address with /without different braces/both cases letters/with/without comma but no luck , please advice what i am doing wrong - i have chosen 1st address of remix for contract and 2nd address for buying and 3rd contract for seller.

{'0X14723A09ACFF6D2A60DCDF7AA4AFF308FDDC160C' , '0X4B0897B0513FDC7C541B6D9D7E929C4E5364D2DB'}

While uploading image i get this error in your website
"PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uploads_pkey"

Hope for help.

Kind Regards