// let's suppose there is window.tokens
// start with minimum (strawman)
window.tokens.playCard("CardName", callback);
// token not specified.
// tokenscript trust is implied
// let's say we got token in this.token before this line
this.token.playCard(CardName, trustCondition, callback);
// trustCondition being: www.sitea.com
// another problem: no parameters.
BarterCardToken.cardPlay("Pay", attrs, callback, trustCondtion, expiry);
// now let's say the website wants to update 'amount'
BarterCardToken.cardUpdate("Pay", attrs)
// hide details on WalletConnect etc, and when to present choices of
// which wallet to connect to if no existing choices
// deck building is another set of API.
// Borrow the API design from ApplePay, Android Pay and Stripe
// note that you can pay with AliPay on mobile when buying on PC
/* The type information in the JS api for structured data */
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