Better Gas estimation source?

I used to send a lot of transactions with a max gas setting of 0.5ETH per transaction in the past weeks. Seems MetaMask & other source have a better gas estimation (usually less than 10 USD compared to my case usually 50USD). What source are we using now & can we improve gas estimation?

I have been using as the source. All data is based on the pending transaction queue of SparkPool(Covering all transactions of the mainnet), which is more real-time and accurate than other data sources

Gasnow is providing more services.

Connecting to Taichi, fastest broadcast

The service is maintained by Taichi Network, which will directly push received transactions into mempool of mining pools, greatly improving the efficiency of transactions boardcast.

RPC Node

Mainland China:


  1. We only implemented this method, still in the testing phase, unstable.
  2. Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions.


DATA, The signed transaction data.

params: ["0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb970870f072445675"]


DATA, 32 Bytes - the transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "id", 1

If still relevant, using as double confirmations has consistently led me to stuck transactions. At least was providing far better information.

In a recent test conducted by @AW-STJ the gas price estimation by αW Android is within 10% of what is reported by Gas Now, so it seems we can choose inaction for now?

Because of Ethereum congestion and high gas problems, We also want to clarify that, if we use another DLT (e.g. Stellar) for internal smart contracts between our Dapp holders can we separately create and manage smart contract on erc-20 to manage the same Alpha holders for, e.g. USDC transactions.

I pondered for a while what "Alpha holders" in your post means. It could be:

  • AlphaWallet users (typically "holding" some tokens)
  • Holders of tokens who practise Alpha trades

Can you kindly clarify?


Holders of USDC: means that a user (holder) that manually receives USDC to their wallet based on this flow of funds