TS view's debugger with XSLT

Here I am attaching original requirement.

Based on requirement Here I have committed the initial version of the debugger: https://github.com/darakhbharat/TokenScript-debugger

This is ready for the trial and one can try on Chrome after below mentioned settings. Another option is running the local HTTP server

But simple and quick option is Adding --allow-file-access-from-files to the properties of Chrome.exe. This worked for me on windows 7

Details - https://stackoverflow.com/Questions/3828898/can-chrome-be-made-to-perform-an-xsl-transform-on-a-local-file

Steps: Right click on Chrome icon > Properties > Apply above property after chrome.exe in target field as shown below.

"your_path\chrome.exe" --allow-access-from-files

Firefox behaves same as Chrome, both are from the same family, but did not checked for its workaround yet.

We can make use of this post for feedback and improvements in debugger.


Here I am attaching my local Chrome screen shot for - EntryToken.xml

As per discussion with Weiwu changed the debugger view to add item-view for and it can be compared side by side with its .

Improved the debugger UI and added expand collapse features to card container. Refer below screen shot.

Right now I have assumed that element will appear after the its element in the xml, Let me know if there is specific condition to identify corresponding view and item-view.

Find the latest code here - https://github.com/darakhbharat/TokenScript-debugger