First, it says "insufficient balance" without displaying my balance
So I decide to transfer some ether from my Trezor. I click "Receive Ether" and got this screen. I clicked "Share" and sent it to my computer where Trezor runs. But, only there is only the QR picture, no text Ether address, in the message. I can't transfer to a QR code.
So plan B is to scan the QR code with a mobile phone. After the money is sent, the screen just hangs there. I expect this screen to turn into something like "receiving" or "incoming transfer" and it never happened.
Having charged 0.117 Ether, 0.1 more than needed, I come back to the purchase window again. Since I repeatedly visited the same kitty picture and there is no client caching, I triggered a firewall rule which prevented the kitty to be rendered.
To my surprise the place where "Buy" button should be still have "Insufficient funds". I double-checked the balance:
I waited 20 minutes and attempted again, still "Insufficient funds".
In the end, I failed to purchase the kitty.