TokenScript #43

Pending agendas:

  • Deck
  • Allow random order elements (in token and in card)
  • Framework of defining multiple tokens defined on one contract.
  • Action-only token scripts use <token> or at least <cards> as the root element
  • Moving token's originating contract's <address> to Ethereum namespace and thus make network="…" optional.
  • <origins> vs distinct="…" round 2

Action-only TokenSCript

  1. It starts with <cards>.
  2. In the cards, there are no token attribute namespace. Therefore:
  3. Any toke must be introduced by <input>.


update(data) {


update(data) {

Proposal (pending rehinking)/

1. Removing <origins> for tokens

  • The notion that a token is identified by an originating contract is questioned. e.g. in the case of AAVE token, such a design can only accommodate having a single (line of) credit token, instead of individual debt tokens. How likely will there be a case which there need to be two individual tokens?
  • We agreed on using distinct earlier this year.
  • <origins> is already used for getting attributes

2. Adding ERC20 and ERC721 TS as library with contract reference

        <ethereum:call contract="LendingPool" function="getUserReserveData" as="e18"
                       type="userReserveData" >
                <ts:address ref="ownerAddress"/>


    <attribute …>
        <ethereum:call contract="LendingPool" function="getUserReserveData" as="e18"
                       type="userReserveData" >
                <ts:address ref="ownerAddress"/>

FYI: Document project + Tokenisation Guide